Mark Tennant

MARCH 12, 2024

Threesome - Mark Tennant

If you’ve ever spent time on the art side of Instagram, there is a good chance you’ve seen the work of Mark Tennant. Known for his ambiguous takes on portraits, the art of Mark Tennant has grown to become both a viral success and a cultural cornerstone in the art world. Art has always been a calling for Tennant, and his memories surrounding it go back as far as he can remember. As a child, he recalls looking at the Norman Rockwell covers for the Saturday Evening Post. It was at art school that he began to paint more regularly.

Pink Chair - Mark Tennant

Tennant captures figures with an incredibly distinctive style in his art, drawing from a variety of sources, including pop culture and vintage photographs. Whenever he likes an image, he paints it. His painting style has captivated the hearts of viewers everywhere. At first glance, his paintings have an air of realism to them, but closer inspection shows that this is an illusion created through a masterful experimentation of value, with a focus on light and shadow.

“First for me comes value,” says Tennant. “That, to me, is the most important part, is the value, the lightness and darkness, and then the color needs to follow but value first.”

Green Subway - Mark Tennant

The juxtaposition of familiar and uncanny makes the work of Tennant something viewers can continue to come back to. Each viewing reveals new details of the work. Layered brush strokes create a textured look to the paintings and bring distinguishable features into form on the canvas. Each of his paintings begins with a sketch, and each painting finishes when Tennant feels that continuing to work on the piece could be “detrimental” to the work’s overall effect. Knowing when a painting is finished is the great struggle artists have grappled with for centuries.

“That’s an ongoing debate I have with myself and everyone else, I think too,” explains Tennant. From what I’ve read and talked to other people, you know, you don’t know if it’s ever done; it may never be done. Da Vinci said ‘a painting is never finished, only abandoned.’”

Blinds - Mark Tennant

Despite having such an extensive collection of work, Tennant doesn’t feel he could ever choose a favorite, comparing the choice to trying to pick a favorite child. Each completed work offers him a chance to move on to the next one. Tennant is someone who lives to work, explaining,  » That’s what I do.”

Though art is, by definition, his career, Tennant doesn’t view it that way. Art is his passion; it’s something he enjoys, continuously bringing him joy. His unsatiated desire to create is his continuous motivation to keep putting out work, with most of his day spent in the act of creation. He can’t imagine another life where he wouldn’t be painting.

“Time goes by, and I don’t even know where the time goes,” says Tennant. “The next thing I know, it’s afternoon, and then it’s evening. I don’t know what I’m feeling when I do it; I’m just trying to make this thing work that I’m doing.”

Mertz - Mark Tennant

Being able to see great art is just as important to Tennant as creating art; the two go hand in hand. Tennant strives never to live too far from a great museum. Some of his greatest creative inspirations are the painting masters of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Instagram has also developed into a digital art museum for Tennant. Not only does he have the opportunity to share his work with his 200,000+ followers, but he also has constant access to other images and art that inspire him. As he recalled moments as an artist that have stood out to him, he landed on a memory about his first visit to the Louvre in Paris.

“I came around that corner, and at that moment, I saw the end of the Louvre, and the sky broke open for a second, and sunlight shone on the front of the building’s two pavilions,” says Tennant. “That was a magical moment for me; it was almost like an enlightened moment. All of a sudden, I saw something that I had dreamed of, and it was illuminated before me just for a quick second.”

Hand Dance - Mark Tennant

He encourages anyone wishing to pursue a career in the arts to go for it but understands that to turn this into a career is not a frivolous endeavor. When asked what the value of art is in this tumultuous world that exists today, Tennant answered simply with everything. To him, art is the answer.

Tennant is quietly on his way to being revered as one of the great artists of the 21st century, a title earned from his constant dedication to his craft and the betterment of his work. In a way, Tennant captures the modern idea of the great painters of the past with his mesmerizing forms and hauntingly nostalgic pieces. While Tennant may not have a clear-cut answer as to why this feeling forms, the mystery of why his pieces resonate with a modern, digital audience so deeply only adds to their power.


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Mark Tennant est un artiste emblématique du photoréalisme contemporain. A grands coups de pinceaux, Tennant projette sur ses toiles des scènes éclatantes de vie, entre figuration et abstraction. Sa peinture joue sur la spontanéité, l’avant ou l’après, mais jamais l’instant – celui qu’il nous laisse le soin de créer à partir des pièces de son oeuvre.

Comme souvent, l’essentiel est voilé plutôt qu’évident. Il choisit avec soin les détails sur lesquels il s’attardera pour se concentrer ensuite sur les émotions plus profondes de ses personnages. Ses silhouettes fuyantes happent le spectateur, les invitant à compléter le chemin qu’il a tracé pour eux sur toile.

L’influence de la peinture française académique est visible dans les toiles de Tennant. S’il n’y a aucun doute sur la contemporanéité de ses personnages grâce aux détails qu’il choisit de représenter, leurs postures rappellent celles des modèles du 19 ème. Mark Tennant a suivi un cursus de peinture classique au Maryland Institute College of Art de Baltimore et à la New York Academy of Art.

Passant d’élève au maître, Tennant a également dirigé le Fine Art Painting à San Francisco (Academy of Art University) à la fin des années 2000. Mark a également enseigné la copie au Musée du Louvre, au Métropolitan à New York ainsi qu’à la Legion of Honor à San Francisco.

De cette expérience, Isabel Miramonte garde l’envie et le besoin de fixer à tout moment la gestuelle de l’homme et ses attitudes dans ses multiples carnets de croquis. Ce sont ces mêmes carnets qui inspireront Isabel par la suite pour créer les œuvres que nous connaissons aujourd’hui.



Galerie Villa Domus est heureuse de présenter l'exposition MOMENTIS à Honfleur avec des œuvres de Mark Tennant et Tomohiro Inaba.

Mertz - Mark Tennant

MOMENTIS – Mark Tennant

2 Novembre - 1 Décembre Du 2 novembre au 1er décembre 2024 la galerie Villa Domus est fière de présenter Momentis, une exposition personnelle de Mark Tennant. De nouvelles toiles créées spécialement pour l’occasion rejoindront des oeuvres emblématiques de l’artiste prêtées quelques mois auparavant pour le Musée Européen d’Art Moderne de Barcelone. La galerie publiera un catalogue d’exposition regroupant les oeuvres de l’artiste et une interview. Il est disponible sur demande en version papier ou digitale.

Partners - Mark Tennant

Art Up 2024

Du 8 au 11 février 2024 la Galerie Villa Domus a le plaisir de vous accueillir au salon Art Up Lille autour d’une sélection d’oeuvres inédites. Vous pourrez retrouver sur le stand A2-B1 les oeuvres de Sylvie Eudes, Edo Kaaij, Lee Sangsoo et Mark Tennant. Vous aurez également l’occasion de plonger dans la visite virtuelle de l’exposition de Mark Tennant au MEAM à Barcelone grâce à nos casques de réalité virtuelle.

El Camino - Mark Tennant

Mark Tennant – MEAM

18 Janvier - 12 Mai Du 18 janvier au 12 Mai 2024 le Musée Européen d’Art Moderne de Barcelone a consacré une exposition personnelle à l’artiste américain Mark Tennant. Notre galerie est fière d’avoir réalisé la visite virtuelle exclusive de cette exposition et de vous permettre de découvrir, où que vous soyez, l’univers singulier de l’artiste.

ST-ART 2023

L’équipe de la Galerie Villa Domus est ravie de vous retrouver pour l'édition 2023 du salon ST-ART. Pour notre seconde participation, nous présenterons une exposition collective regroupant les œuvres de Cosmos, Mariela Garibay, Sylvie Eudes, Edo Kaaij, Moons, Rachel Ann Stevenson, Lee Sangsoo, Mark Tennant et Murielle Vanhove.



Inauguración de la exposición de Mark Tennant en el MEAM de Barcelona

Inauguración de la exposición de Mark Tennant en el MEAM de Barcelona

Mark Tennant — Human Figure from Life workshop — Menorca Pulsar

Mark Tennant — Human Figure from Life workshop — Menorca Pulsar

Mark Tennant | 100% Noir Interviews, Menorca Pulsar Podcast

Mark Tennant | 100% Noir Interviews, Menorca Pulsar Podcast


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